Customer Address revisited
Recently two new features were introduced to dataverse that allows us to better manage customer addresses. A few years ago (2012) I wrote an article on the subject (https://community.dynamics.com/blogs/post/?postid=b889a366-d3fb-4b39-bdb9-7f3716283d4c) which goes into...

What datacenter is my dataverse instance in?
When you create an instance in dataverse you get to choose which region it is located in. However, you do not get to choose which exact datacenter you get. How is this important? Well, if you want to mirror data using Azure Synapse Link or Microsoft Fabric, then these...

DIY Redirect landing page for CI-J
Many organizations, especially banks, insurance companies and other organizations that value trust highly are very careful about how links are formatted in emails that are being sent out. The key is that links need to be "safe" which in essence means they need to have...

Customer Insight Journeys Real Time Dynamic Forms Loader
Need a form script for CI-J Realtime forms that can be used for all forms hosted on one single page? You are welcome!

CI-D Measure dependency on Dataverse
When measures are created in CI-D to be used in CI-J there are dependencies created which will stop you from removing the measure. CI-D is not very helpful in telling you how to remove it. I will try to be a bit more helpful. When trying to remove the Measure this is...

Breaking down form script in Customer Insight Journeys
When creating a form in Customer Insight Journeys (real time) one option is to embedd it in an existing page. A customer asked me if it was possible to get this script from the API some how. Turns out that you don’t have to. It has a logical build-up and you can generate it yourself with a script.

Gustaf Westerlund
12xMVP, MSc EE
Working as consultant since version 1.2. Involved in between 150-200 projects. Founder and Principal Consultant at CRM-Konsulterna.