Custom columns on systemuser – good or bad?
Some people might have heard about an industry best practice that you should never have custom columns (fields) on the systemuser table (entity) in dataverse. Is this true and why so? This article is based on my understanding of how the inner workings of dataverse works and hence what you need to think about when designing your application to not unintentionally create an application that destroys your environments performance. In short, be careful about adding custom columns to the systemuser and if you do, only add fields that have static data, ie data that doesn’t often change. Let me describe this in more detail.

Why I love Kingswaysoft
The reason I often recommend Kingswaysoft over other methods of data migration or even sometime data integration is rather simple, it can do what others can’t. Not even Microsoft. And it can do it fast.

Jonas, FetchXml Builder and Kingswaysoft
As you probably will have heard by now, my colleague and friend, Jonas Rapp suffered a stroke about two weeks ago. Daryl LaBar, Carina Claesson, Benedikt Bergmann and I talked about this on the XrmToolCast which you can listen to here:...

Team member licensing – hammer coming down!
The team member licensing option is something that has been a subject of debate for quite some time. What can it actually be used for and what not? I have heard "experts" suggesting that it be used for integrations but if your read the Dynamics 365 Licensing Guide,...

Can we expect a new API?
Dataverse, and new terms for picklists, fields and more. This has been described in detail by many others in the community like Jukka Niiranen. However Microsoft are saying that there will be no new API, that all API:s will stay the same so this article is just going to discuss this subject briefly.

D365UG Summit – will be awesome!
The yearly CRMUG or D365UG Summit is here! Nowdays it is colocated with eXtreme365 which is a partner event. I was planned to present 4 sessions (panels and presentations) for D365UG but as I am writing this on the second day of eXtreme365 I happend to cover for a...

Gustaf Westerlund
12xMVP, MSc EE
Working as consultant since version 1.2. Involved in between 150-200 projects. Founder and Principal Consultant at CRM-Konsulterna.