What datacenter is my dataverse instance in?

What datacenter is my dataverse instance in?

When you create an instance in dataverse you get to choose which region it is located in. However, you do not get to choose which exact datacenter you get. How is this important? Well, if you want to mirror data using Azure Synapse Link or Microsoft Fabric, then these resources have to be in the exact same datacenter to work. If you have several instances, there is a risk that some are in one of the datacenters in the region and some in the other. For instance, in the region Europe, there are two datacenters, North Europe (Dublin) and West Europe (Amsterdam). So, it might very well be that some instances are in Dublin and some in Amsterdam.

Currently there is only one way to move an instance, and that is to create a ticket and ask Microsoft Support to do it for you. But you first need to know where it is.

The easiest way to find where you instance is located, is actually to start the wizard for synchronizing data to a datalake using Azure Synapse Link from the Maker-portal. It should look something like this:

However, if you have many instances, you might want to have a script that outputs this. Well, I did anyway, so I was looking into how to do this using Powershell.

Hence I dug into some of the PowerShell libraries for Power Platform and created this PowerShell script:

# Get all environments
$environments = Get-AdminPowerAppEnvironment

# Loop through each environment and output DisplayName and azureRegionHint to a file
$environments | ForEach-Object {
    # Create a custom object with the properties you want
        DisplayName = $_.DisplayName
        Type = $_.EnvironmentType
        azureRegionHint = $_.Internal.properties.azureRegionHint
} | Export-Csv -Path "C:\temp\output.csv" -NoTypeInformation

In this case the “azureRegionHint” was supposed to show the right datacenter. But that turned out to be a half-truth as many of the instances were correct but not all. I suspect it might be stored list and not the actual list, as at least one of the ones that were incorrect has been moved.

I reported this to Microsoft support, as my view is that the azureRegionHint should display the correct datacenter, and hence what I experienced is a bug. But I never got this acknowledged by support who instead recommended that I use “ping” to figure out the region;

C:\Users\GustafWesterlund>ping xxx.crm4.dynamics.com

Pinging db3--eurcrmlivesg000.crm4.dynamics.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=56ms TTL=107
Reply from bytes=32 time=55ms TTL=107
Reply from bytes=32 time=69ms TTL=107
Reply from bytes=32 time=75ms TTL=107

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 55ms, Maximum = 75ms, Average = 63ms

In the response above, db is “Dublin” and my guess is that the “3” means datacenter 3 or something like that.

However, using ping to do what in essence is a nslookup didn’t seem very useful and I also wanted to be able to use PowerShell, so I looked up the command:

Resolve-DnsName -Name $url

This is in essence nslookup, which, if you are not very versed in this, will give you the IP address and official name of a specific alias (cname). As the following example shows:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Resolve-DnsName -Name xxx.crm4.dynamics.com

Name                           Type   TTL   Section    NameHost                                                                                                                               
----                           ----   ---   -------    --------                                                                                                                               
xxx.crm4.dynamics.com     CNAME  300   Answer     db3--eurcrmlivesg000.crm4.dynamics.com                                                                                                 

Name       : db3--eurcrmlivesg000.crm4.dynamics.com
QueryType  : AAAA
TTL        : 300
Section    : Answer
IP6Address : 2603:1061:2002:968::36

Name       : db3--eurcrmlivesg000.crm4.dynamics.com
QueryType  : A
TTL        : 300
Section    : Answer
IP4Address :

The first part is the information that the DNS entry is a cname/alias to the aname which starts with db3. The following two blocks are the IPs in IP v6 and IP v4 of this name. Using this I adapted my script and added a manual switch which shows the datacenter which starts with “ams” as West Europe and “db3” as North Europe. Don’t know if this information is available anywhere so that I can look it up instead as that would be a lot more dynamic. But at least I can loop through all instances and get the azure datacenter for each of the instances. Here is the script:

$connectionhost = "https://admin.services.crm4.dynamics.com"
$output = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
foreach ($inst in Get-CrmInstances -ApiUrl $connectionhost | Select-Object -Property FriendlyName, ApplicationUrl)
    $url = $inst.ApplicationUrl.Substring(8,$inst.ApplicationUrl.Length - 9)
    $dns = Resolve-DnsName -Name $url
    $center = ""
    switch($dns[1].Name.Substring(0,3)) {
    "ams" {
        $center = "West Europe" }
    "db3" {
        $center = "North Europe" }

    $out = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Name = $inst.FriendlyName
        url = $dns[1].Name
        AzCenter = $center

$output | Format-Table -Property Name, AzCenter, url

I hope and guess there are easier ways to solve this. If you have any ideas, please let me know in the comments or if you have any other method to solve this for a lot of instances where using the UI would be a bit too much of a hassle.

Hope it helps!

Entitlements are not throttling

Entitlements are not throttling

Should a five user organization be entitled to the same amount of compute as a 5 000 user organization?

Entitlements are the limitations that Microsoft have set on the platform that are based on which type of license each user has. This is not the same as the API Service limits which are much more liberal. The entitlements have not yet been fully enforced as the reporting capabilities of the platform have not been rolled out fully yet. But they will. With this blog post I attempt to give my perspective on entitlements on the Power Platform and Dynamics 365 (CRM part).

My previous post was about API Service limits which are commonly referred to as the throttling limits of the platform. The entitlements limits (and here) have another part in the Microsoft docs that go into these a bit deeper. I’d first like to go into why there are two different “protections” or limitations.

The API Service limits are there to protect the platform from noisy neighbours. Some of us, that have been around since the earlier days of Dynamics 365/CRM online remember that the performance used to be rather shaky. This could often be due to the fact that some other instance on the same hardware your instance was hosted on, was being slammed with massive amounts of requests, like during a migration. To make sure that this “noisy neighbour” problem doesn’t occur, the API-limits have been put in place and since they have, things have been a lot better so they do seem to work.

The Entitlements are there for another reason. Let’s say you buy two (2) Dynamics 365 Sales users and then use integrations with a custom built front end for B2C purposes with one of those users (or an app user), and, still within the limits of the API Service limits, hammer the API:s from day to night with an amazing amount of requests. The B2C aspect would be covered from a licensing perspective in what was previously called “external connector” license and is nowdays included in the normal license. However, the amount of compute that the instance is utilizing is way above what you are paying for. This is the reason why Microsoft have created the entitlements, as far as I know anyway. And I think it only makes sense that there is some kind of reasonable proportionality to that.

To quote the Microsoft docs page: “These limits represent the number of requests users are entitled to make each day. The allocated limit depends on the type of license assigned to each user.

What is a request?
The first question is then, what is a request? Previously we were told, that a batch request (ExecuteMultiple) was one (1) request but that has since changed and is now considered to all the subparts. I would even think that a batch request has the extra overhead of the batch itself. Hence, a batch request with 10 creates, will actually be counted as 11 requests; 1 for the batch, and 10 for the creates. The exact definitions are not disclosed but we get a rather good description from the docs with this paragraph, where I have highlighted some interesting parts:

“For Dataverse, API requests include all data operations that interact with table rows where rows are created, retrieved, updated, or deleted (CRUD). Special operations such as share and assign are included because they are considered updates. These requests can be from any client or application and using any endpoint. These include, but are not limited to, operations performed by plug-ins, async workflows, custom controls, and $batch (ExecuteMultiple) operations. There are a small set of system internal operations that are excluded, like login, sign out, and system metadata operations.”

The important takeaway here is hence that you cannot create a workaround by using a plugin and using the internal context pseudo-api to do the calls, as these are counted as well. Difference might be that they are done in the context of a specific user and that user has a rather large entitlement, which might hence “flatten the curve” so to speak. An interesting aspect, though is the exception to this rule:

“Power Platform API request allocations include use of Power Automate, AI Builder, and Connector APIs. All requests through a connector that result in a Dataverse request will represent 1 Power Platform request.”

This strongly indicates that Microsoft wants us to use the Power Platform tools and that these should not at least have additional costs. There are, however, still some inconsistencies in this area that I really hope that they fix, such as:

  • Microsoft supplied integrations in ADF
  • Integrations to Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations
  • Dynamics 365 Business Central
  • Exports to ADLS
  • Data Export Service

The latter two can be really heavy on the API:s if you have an enterprise system or a B2C system. I work with a customer which currently have a database of >400 GB which uses Data Export service and the amount of notifications on the Data Export Service just for Contacts for a year often exceed the hundreds of millions.

Other areas which are not mentioned but which I think are included are addon first-party apps like Customer Insight (Sales Insights) which actually uses a ADLS in the background (not that you can actually access it). I have heard stories of support tickets where Microsoft support have blamed the API Service protection for hitting the ceiling when it was Sales Insight that caused it, which would indicate that these are actually counted. I think the intention is to include all of these so that the license for these cover the API entitlements. I just wish they would fix the gaps as customers are being affected.

Entitlement telemetry might not be the same as API Service protection telemetry
That actually brings up another interesting aspect. The measurements that are used for the API Service protections are probably NOT the same as the measurements that are used for entitlements, but this is based on my personal hunch, and not any kind of facts. Mainly based on the assumption that I think that the areas that are excluded from entitlement measures above, probably are not excluded from the API Service protection.

Another definition of request!?
On this page there is another definition of what a request is that is different from the one above. I believe this is older than the one mentioned above, as it uses the term “CDS” which has been replaced by dataverse now. I am not sure though as this page last change is dated on the second of feb 2021 while the other the 5:th of March 2020. The main difference is that this does not make the exception mentioned in the article above, hence every call through a connector, every successful or failed call in Power Automate will be counted as one request. Hopefully Microsoft will clear this up soon.

Entitlements per user
At this link you can find the specific entitlements per license. They are all measured on a 24 h period and range from 20 000 for the full enterprise versions of Dynamics 365 to Power Apps per app plan which get 1000 requests.

Entitlements for non-licensed users, which mainly will be application registrations/application users are fixed per tennant based on the highest licensed purchased on the tennant. This means the following pooled included non-licensed entitlements.

  • 1 Sales Enterprise -> 100 000
  • 1 Sales Professional -> 50 000
  • 1 Power Apps license -> 25 000
  • 1 Sales Enterprise, 1000 Power Apps -> 100 000
  • 10 000 Sales Enterprise, 10 000 Power Apps -> 100 000

The important note here is that this does not scale at all, but is fixed. And if you plan to do some integrations with a Power Apps only tennant, you’d be wise to buy at least one Dynamics 365 Enterprise, just to get the non-licensed user entitlements, as the Sales Enterprise is around $95 and each additional 10 000 is $50, which means that the saving to get to a 100 000 calls / 24h is:

50*(100 000 – 20 000)/10 000-95= 400 – 95 = $305/month

Buying extra capacity
It is also possible to buy extra API capacity. You can read more about this in the Licensing Guide for the Power Platform. I am not able to find a current price for this at this time, but the list price was previously set at $50 (per 10 000 for 24h). These are then to be allocated to the users as you wish.

Users will not be blocked from using apps for occasional and reasonable overages at this point of time.
What will happen when or if you overshoot? A very important question. Most organizations will at some time do this, most probably during migration of data from the old systems. The statement from Microsoft above, especially the highlighted “at this point of time.” is rather omnious. It does indicate that at some time the hammer will come down. But at this time it won’t, admins will be harassed with emails about overshooting and just as with overshooting data capacity, they might start with blocking some features when you are overshooting. It is mentioned in one of the articles in the FAQ that after the transition period they will start blocking. So that will be a real fact unless they change their mind on that.

My very strong advice, is hence that all organizations that are not compliant need to start looking at this as soon as possible. I have some tips on what you can do further down in this article. Please refer to these and feel free to leave a comment if you have questions on the subject not answered here.

ISV Bundling
There are many ISV:s which export rather large amounts of data. The first ones that come to mind are the Marketing Automation products like Adobe Marketing, Click Dimensions, Dot Digital and more. These all synchronize contacts, marketinglists and marketinglistmembers, at least, which for larger installations can be quite large datasets. I do think it would be advantageous if these ISV:s could include the API Entitlements that are required, or if they are billed by Microsoft to the ISV which in turn bills the customer with a surcharge. At the very least Microsoft have to take ISV:s into the equation here as they are an essential part of the ecosystem, especially from the customer perspective.

Tips on how to handle future entitlement enforcement

  1. Start by using the PPAC to get an overview of how your situation looks even though you might not get an exact picture.
  2. Consider the overhead of batching. There can be performance advantages to batching as mentioned in my previous article. But there needs to be
  3. Consider “outsourcing large datasets” to ADLS – although the ADLS export also uses API-calls.
  4. Maybe not a problem if short term – for now
  5. Consider using official connectors or Power Automate instead (although that might cause costs in itself)
  6. If building Power App licens based solutions and you have heavy integrations, buy one Dynamics 365 Enterprise license.
  7. If possible impersonate the data load over all the users. This can be done with plugins and synchronous workflows for instance. Patterns that can be used in this case can be staging tables in dataverse where the owner is set and then a plugin is triggered that slices the row into many pieces as the owner of the import record. I am not sure if impersonation using the API will have any effect on this. That needs to be investigated. If it can be used to spread the load, that would be a good pattern to use.
  8. Refactor inefficient code. Depending on implementation maybe increase use of caching or other techniques to reduce the amount of requests. Make sure you have skilled Power Platform/Dynamics 365 developers working with development as knowing how to do this very particular to this platform.

Microsoft representatives, locally in Sweden anyway, are saying to our customers and potential customers that they need not worry about this. I find that message a bit mixed with what I read here. On the other hand I think this will be a very rough change for many organizations. If your organization will be very negativly affected by this and you feel that you are still paying “fairly” for your part, then I suggest you contact Microsoft and describe your business scenario in detail. If you need help with who to contact you can always start with the people who have written the articles who you can ask to forward the articles to the right people, use your local user group or ask some local MVP for help as they often have contacts directly with the product group (and many other experts do too).

Good luck and do leave a comment or share this if you like it!

Azure guest accounts in CDS/Dyn365

Azure guest accounts in CDS/Dyn365

Azure Active Directory (AAD) has a feature where it allows users of foreign tennants to be granted access to the current tennant. In other word, if you are running contoso.com and a user of northwind.com would like to have access, you can add this user as a guest account in Azure. However, I have found that giving this user access to Dynamics is not fully straight forward, although, it is far from rocket science. In this article I will show how this is done.

Do note that I have heard from people in the product team that there are features of the powerplatfor that cannot currently be accessed using a guest account, I think it was Canvas Apps and Flow. I will have to try this out and get back to you (or someone else could! – I would appreciate a link back to this article) in a later article. I also do think that they are workin on this.

On a high level, what we need to do is:

  1. Add user in AAD
  2. Grant License
  3. Wait for the user to pop up in CDS/Dynamics
  4. Assign a security role in CDS/Dynamics

To start with, we need to go to the Azure Portal: https://portal.azure.com – and click on the AAD menu item on the left.



Browse to portal.azure.com -> click Azure Active Directory (AAD) -> Click Users

Click “New guest user”

Enter the email address of the user, and perhaps some nice personal email message showing you are not some evil spammer!

Then go to portal.office.com and you will now be able to see the new guest user in here.

Select the guest user and click “Edit product licenses” – Note, I have not been able to set licenses directly by opening the user, only this way.

Assign the license required, P2 or Dynamics Customer Engagement App or Plan – in the example above, a Dyn365CE Plan 1 (trial)

After you have assigned the guest user a license, you have to wait a while until the asynchronous service in O365 provisions the user in the CDS. This often is rather quick, but sometimes takes more time. When I was making this, it took more than 15 minutes.

To find the user in CDS/Dyn365 go to Settings and click on Security. (Old UI)

And then click on “Users” in the Security area.

This is how a guest user look like in Dynamics 365/CDS. It has a # sign in front of it. As you can see, I have another one with my name previously created.

The last thing that has to be done is to grant the guest user the correct role.

After this, just give the user the direct URL to the system and they should be able to log in with their normal users.

This is a very useful method to use when setting up trials for someone as they do not have to sign in with another account to access they system. I strongly recommend it.

As mentioned in the beginning of this article, there might still be some issues with using canvas apps and Flow using guest users, so do be aware that not all features could be available.


Setting up Data Export Service without PowerShell Script

Setting up Data Export Service without PowerShell Script

Setting up Dynamics 365 Data Export Service requires a Azure KeyVault to be set up which is typically done using a PowerShell script which can be found in the Data Export Service setup wizard. However, if you run into issues setting this up, it might be easier to do this directly in Azure by minimizing the steps of the scripts. This was a tip that my friend and Business Solution MVP Scott Durow recommended. He mentions this in his very instructive video, but doesn’t actually show how, so I thought I’d just detail how I made it work.

First some background. The reason why I even started investigating how to do this manually was that when I tried running the PowerShell script supplied by Microsoft in the wizard.

Press the “i” icon to get a window containing the PowerShell Script that Microsoft recommends for setting up the Key Vault.

When running the PowerShell script both as myself (not a global admin) and asking a global admin to do it, it failed in the latter parts. The key vault was created by some of the access policies seemed to be missing and it just didn’t work. My users rights in Azure was Contributor in the Resource Group, and it was a bit interesting cause the global admin and I got different error messages, but when I finally managed to create the key vault manually, I could do it all with my user, so it didn’t seem I was missing any rights to do it.

First step is to make sure you have all your data straight. The power shell script is good for this. Check out Scott clip if you want to know how to find the different strings. He shows it very clearly.

 Just copied from the PS-Script:

$subscriptionId = '<subscription ID>'
$keyvaultName = '
$secretName =
$location = '
North Europe'
$connectionString = 'Server=tcp:
Initial Catalog=<catalog>;
Persist Security Info=False;
User ID={your_username};
Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;'
$organizationIdList = '<DYN365GUID>

$tenantId = ‘<AZURE TENANT ID> 

The highlighted parts have to be replaced by your settings. I will use these variables to have something to reference to further in this article.

Search for Key Vault and add the “Key vault”, the top one in this picture

Then we have to set it up. Not so tricky if you have worked with Azure before. Consider if you want to work in an existing Resourcegroup or if you want to create a new one. Typically you need to have Azure SQL services running as well so it might be good to keep them all together to be able to see the costs and control who has access why a resource group might be a good idea. But that should hence already exist. If not, you can create it. I would recommend keeping Azure SQL and Key vault in the same, not sure if it actually works in different resource groups, probably does, but I haven’t tested.

Creating the key vault – in this case I am creating a new resource group, normally it would already exist

Azure will add you as the default principal with access to the key vault. We will add Data Export Service to this later. For now, just create it.

Now we need to open the Key vault and select the “Secrets” section in the menu on the left hand side and press the button:

“+ Generate/Import” 

Then you have to enter you Secret name ($secretName) and the connection string ($connectionString) into the value.

Creating a secret – $secretname in Name and $connectionstring in Value

Press “Create”.

You should now return to the previous screen and see a row for your secret.
Select it.

It should open the settings panel for the Secret, press the “Tags” part which is located in the middle and add a tag which has $OrgIdList ($organizationIdList) as the key and Tennant ($tenantId) as value. I have blurred them out below as they are rather private.

Adding a tag with OrgIdList and tenantId to a Secret

You then need to go back to the Key Vault and click on the “Access Policies” menu item, you should then see yourself as the principal as this was set when we created the key vault. We now need to add Data Export Service as a valid Principal with read access rights.

So click “Add”, click “Select Principal” and search for “b861dbcc-a7ef-4219-a005-0e4de4ea7dcf” which is the ID for Data Export Service. It should show up like this:

It needs to have “Secret Management Operations – GET” permissions and nothing else.

Now, go back to the Secret and copy the URI to the Secret.

Getting the URI for the Key Vault Secret

Paste it into the Data Export Service Wizard field for Key Vault.

Fill in the other information and press validate. Hopefully it will work out well!

Some issues

Being too cheap with the Azure SQL level
If you don’t go for a Azure SQL P1 and choose a lower tier, you might get this warning:

We tried an S0 for our Dev environment and tried to sync a couple of million records and that just didn’t work, we got tons of errors. We upgraded the ASQL to S2 and then at least we didn’t get any errors. We are planning for P1s in UAT and production.

Might have to set activation date on secret
Seems that you might have to set an activation date on the secret. Not sure why this is, the PS-script doesn’t seem to do this. But not very hard.

Added activation date on the Secret from June 4.th

Using Database schema that is not created
The default database schema is “dbo” in the Data Export Service Wizard. If you change this to something else like “crm” and you haven’t created this in the database, you will get an error. It is simple to fix, you just have to go into the database and create the schema. To create the schema “crm” open a query and run:

For more information on how to create schemas, check this site: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/statements/create-schema-transact-sql?view=sql-server-2017

Once the schema has been created, there should be no problem using it, as long as the user has permissions using it.

I hope this works for you. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

Gustaf Westerlund
MVP, Founder and Principal Consultant at CRM-konsulterna AB

AuthenticationResult.AcquireToken deprecated in ADAL 3.x and how to fix.

AuthenticationResult.AcquireToken deprecated in ADAL 3.x and how to fix.

When authenticating to Dyn 365 with S2S the following is a simple program using the S2S authentication which core I think I got originally got from my pal George Doubinski. I like to use it to test S2S. Very clean and easy to build on.

string organizationUrl = “<org url>”;string clientId = “<client id in Azure>”;string appKey = “<secret for the clientid>”;string aadInstance = “https://login.microsoftonline.com/”;string tenantID = “<contoso or whateveryouhave>.onmicrosoft.com”;

ClientCredential clientcred = new ClientCredential(clientId, appKey);AuthenticationContext authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext(aadInstance + tenantID);AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = authenticationContext.AcquireToken(organizationUrl, clientcred);var requestedToken = authenticationResult.AccessToken;

using (OrganizationWebProxyClient sdkService = new OrganizationWebProxyClient(GetServiceUrl(organizationUrl), false)){sdkService.HeaderToken = requestedToken;OrganizationRequest request = new OrganizationRequest();
WhoAmIResponse response = sdkService.Execute(new WhoAmIRequest()) as WhoAmIResponse;

Console.WriteLine($”UserID:{response.UserId}”);Console.WriteLine(“Press any key to continue…”);Console.ReadKey();


However, the line:
AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = authenticationContext.AcquireToken(organizationUrl, clientcred);

Cloud computing – isn’t it great?

Requires ADAL version 2.x and the method AquireToken has been removed in the later version of that library.

If you look around the net, many advocate staying on 2.x version of the library but I didn’t have that option as I was integrating with Dyn 365 Operations and that was using the ver 3.x.

So, to make this work in version 3.x you just have to make a simple fix:

AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync(ClientConfig.CRMOrgUrl, clientcred).Result;

Gustaf Westerlund
MVP, Founder and CTO at CRM-konsulterna AB