by Gustaf Westerlund | Jul 3, 2017
I just ran into one of the weirdest errors I have seen in my Dynamics CRM/365 carreer, and I have seen a few.
The problem we had was that the case entity had stopped working more or less totally. When trying to open any type of case form either as a normal user or in the form editor, I got a more or less anonymous error message. After a lot of banging my head against the wall and loosing some of my few strands of hair, I finally with the help of Deepesh excellent blog article:
it got me on the right track. I did some URL-hacking to try to access the form editor directly and accidentaly got to a mixed form editor. Very weird, but it showed that the form itself wasn’t broken, hence there was something wrong further down… probably the fields, just as Deepesh’s error. And after removing all custom fields, I got it working. Then tediously going back and removing them one by one, I found the culprit, a custom Lookup to the Product.
To give you some more background:
When trying to edit any case form, I got the following error:
When trying to create a new case, I got the following error:
And if I downloaded the file, the contents was: (I have hightlighted the part which has some, but only slight relevance)
Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]]: System.Web.HttpUnhandledException: Microsoft Dynamics CRM has experienced an error. Reference number for administrators or support: #D856E3CEDetail:
<OrganizationServiceFault xmlns:i=”” xmlns=””>
<ErrorDetails xmlns:d2p1=”” />
<Message>System.Web.HttpUnhandledException: Microsoft Dynamics CRM has experienced an error. Reference number for administrators or support: #D856E3CE</Message>
<ExceptionSource i:nil=”true” />
<ErrorDetails xmlns:d3p1=”” />
<Message>System.NullReferenceException: Microsoft Dynamics CRM has experienced an error. Reference number for administrators or support: #5CCC57F6</Message>
<ExceptionSource i:nil=”true” />
<InnerFault i:nil=”true” />
<OriginalException i:nil=”true” />
<TraceText i:nil=”true” />
<OriginalException i:nil=”true” />
<TraceText i:nil=”true” />
Here are some facts:
- We had installed a solution that is an upgraded solution, originally from CRM 4 via CRM 2011 and 2013. Not sure if the field definition from the earlier versions are causing this. Probably not.
- I tried switching off all plugin steps. But it didn’t help at all. This is usually what Microsoft support will ask you to do when you have issues why I tried it myself. Always good to try and send this to Microsoft support when registering a support ticket.
- I have tried spinning up a clean 8.2 Dyn 365 with no customizations, creating a solution with just the case entity and importing that. It did not work. Not very strange, as the problem was a field that is causing the problem. Adding solutions does not remove anything unless you are using managed solutions with patches etc.
- I tried exporting a small solution with just the case forms and removed all custom fields from the customization file manually and reimported it. It did not work, which is not strange either, as the error was not on the form.
- I tried creating cases via the API. That did work. I did not use the lookup field that I later found out was the culprit. Perhaps writing something to all fields in the case entity would have generated an error. The reason for doing this was that I wanted to see if I could get an exception in my code that contained more information than what I was getting in the UI. Hence I wasn’t at all happy that it did work.
- I tried retrieving cases via the API. That did work. Again, not happy at all.
- I tried to manufacture the URL to the form (<solutionguid>%7d&etc=<entityobjectid, 112 for case>&extraqs=formtype%3dmain%26formId%3d<Guid for the ofrm>%26action%3d-1&pagetype=formeditor) That did not work. No form URL with etc=112 works.
- I tried to retrieve the form via the API, that works. Again, not happy, but at least it showed that there probably wasn’t any problem with the form.
- I tried to manufacture a weird URL, with the correct form id with the incorrect EntityObjectID. That showed the form, but with the information that the form is for the “other” entity. Weird, but showed that there is actually nothing wrong with the form itself. I could even edit the caseform this way, move fields, remove fields, but not add new stuff. Totally unsupported way of editing a form, but when in love, war and when Dyn365 buggs out, anything is allowed.See below. This proved to be a very useful, as the form seemed for some very strange reason to be involved in this. The way I proved this was that I had an “original”, instance where the error showed and one where I had got it to work, after removing some fields, and removing all unnecessary fields from the main form. After this I created a solution which only imported the form from the non-functioning instance for the case entity and imported it into the working instance. I had not expected the result, but it actually stopped working. With the error described above. So for some reason the form was part of the problem.
A weird Form Editor – the Case form loaded with the Account Entity (EntityTypeCode=1). Be careful when using this, and use at your own risk! |
- I got the same error as above when I try to open the case form in the normal UI.
- When I try to create a new case, I get the error shown in the file “AnErrorHasOccuredWithTimeStampAndLog.png”
- As for what happened with the system just before/during/when this error occurred, we were doing customizations on the case form from a spotty internet Connection, and the case for did work before.
- In the field-section of the Case entity, I selected “Custom” fields, and I have a notion that most of these errors are probably caused by code which mix up custom lookup fields with built in ones. So I would start by looking at lookup fields based on system entities with custom relationships to case like:
- case 1:N case
- product 1:N case
- account 1:N case
- contact 1:N case
- pricelevel 1:N case
- However you might have several fields that are causing errors (I did), and that might make it very tricky to find what is wrong. Cause once you managed to remove the last field causing the error, and then restore the solution and then remove it again, you will find that you are back to a non-functioning entity, and you will have to work your way through each of the fields, with all their dependencies again, until you find the next one. Hence the methodology becomes
- Export solution
- Remove fields until you get the entity to work. Document exactly which fields you try and in which order. Always work in the same order. Remove a field, try to open the case, remove the next field, try to open case form, and so on. All the time documenting, which fields and in which order.
- When you get the case form to work, import the solution again.
- Remove the the field(s) that you know are causing the problems.
- If, after this, it still does not work, go to 2.
- After I removed the fields, and cleaned the form, I recreated the fields with the exact same schema-names and that worked perfectly. Not sure though how it will work when I export it, I am still not sure what is causing this. Probably some erroneous code in the case logic.
- I was able to replicate this error on other instances. So the problem is certainly connected to the solution itself.
So to sum it up. This is most obviously a bug in the Dynamics 365 platform as it should never be able to go into this state. In my case entity the problem was two lookups AND the main “Case” form. After removing the fields and removing all non-necessary stuff from the form by using a URL hack described above, I managed to get it working.
If you run into this, I hope you manage to fix it. It isn’t easy and it will take some time. Hopefully I have given you some pointers.
Gustaf Westerlund
MVP, Founder and CTO at CRM-konsulterna AB
by Gustaf Westerlund | Aug 14, 2015
I received a question per email today and as I Work as a Consultant, Selling my time by the hour, while at the same time sharing my knowledge and experience on this blog and in Other places, I thought I might share my general view on how I separate the Community Work from the Work that puts food on my table.
I am a strong believer in the notion that we need to share knowledge with each other to be able to all grow and be stronger. This is why I started the blog, started CRM User Group Sweden, run Techie After Work (with Allan Varcoe and Peter Björkmarker), present at Conferences where I do not get paid for speaking. If we all do this in the Dynamics CRM Community, it will grow large, new people will quickly learn from the more experienced, and our CRM system, will prosper to all our benefit.
We all have to put food on the table |
But, I also have to put food on the table, so when people ask me to help them by contacting me by
email or phone, they do actual ask me as a Consultant and I can and will charge for the time I help out. Typically an agreement, including NDA, is signed so that I can help out in a more direct manner, which of course, is different than somebody asking something general in the comment on a blog post.
So, if you have a question to me, regarding a post, I recommend leaving a comment. Sadly, there are a lot of comment spammers out there, looking for some links to their sites, why I need to moderate all comments, as I respect you as readers and I do not want to waste your time with crap comments and irrelevant links to companies trying to sell training or otherwise.
So, on to the question I got, as it was clearly directed as a comment, will answer it in the form of a blog post instead of an email reply, so that others in the Community can also benefit from it.
“I was reading your blog post on sending emails from a queue ( and had a question. I’m using CRM 2015 and trying to set up a queue for sending and I was wondering if the generic address needs to point to a mailbox on the server or if it can be a distribution list or mail-enabled public folder. I’ve tried setting up an existing distribution list address for the email address, but I get errors because it can’t log on to a mailbox, so I didn’t know if it was possible or if there’s something else I need to do instead.”
It is a good question. It is not obvious why you cannot use one type of email address or Another, but if you refer to the implementation guide (yes, I know, it is a very large document(s) and hard to navigate, but try to find your way around it) you will see that it says that the email address that you indicate in a queue has to be a user mailbox. It cannot be anything else. There are several different ways of logging in to this, the simplest is to set the credentials in the queue, but this will require you to change the password in the queue every time you change it in the AD. I wrote the Synchronization overview chapter in the CRM Field Guide ( and I would strongly recommend that you read this or the similar parts in the implementation guide for more detailed information.
Gustaf Westerlund
MVP, Founder and CTO at CRM-konsulterna AB
by Gustaf Westerlund | Apr 22, 2015
You have to decide… |
Did you know that Putin has a summer house in Florida?
Vaccines make you sick!
To change base currency in CRM, just run this script, there is no risk!
The Internet is full of bad information. Ever found something on a blog on Internet and tried it? A script, some code or something else that you really didn’t know what it did. Could you really trust the source?
I have met customers and sometimes even partners who mention that “Well I found a solution to this very complex problem XX, you just run this script YY on the CRM database, it was on a blog on Internet. Like a blog on Internet, like this one is some oracle of truth. I am sorry to break it to you, but this is not so. Just as with everything else you see and hear on the Internet, you need to be critical about the information, and judge it and the source where it is coming from. In the end, it is you who are responsible for what you are doing with the CRM system. If you happen to run a script that is bad, install a auto numbering solution that causes masses amounts of locking or copy paste an unsupported script into the onload of the account form, it is still your responsibility. Hence I recommend that you do not run or insert anything that you do not fully understand or have gotten from a source that you feel that you can trust has verified the contents.
If you don’t know it, the Dynamics CRM SDK page on unsupported customizations is a really good page to start with. If something you find, is listed here, you should really think again. Remember that the current cadance of CRM is very rapid, you cannot afford to have a system that is not upgradable or on which you cannot get support if you get into big problems.
With that said, there is a great and wonderful community out there with a lot of great and wonderful tools and advice, so don’t stop using it, just be a bit critical.
So, who am I to say this. A very good question. If you feel this question is relevant, and question the validity of this argument, I think you have gotten the point.
Gustaf Westerlund
MVP, Founder and CTO at CRM-konsulterna AB
by Gustaf Westerlund | Jul 1, 2013
First of July might mean different things to different people. For MVP:s the first Award you get, sets you the phase (beginning of a quarter). As I got mine on the first of July 2012, my nerves we on high today.
When I received my first MVP Award, it arrived in my inbox at about 11 am CET. Hence I naturally was looking very keenly in my inbox at that time, and the following hours.
For those of you not very familiar with the process, if you are awarded, you are sent a letter, however, if you are not renewed, you will be sent nothing. No “you-will-not-be-an-MVP-any-more-email” or similar. You will just not get anything. On top of this, the MVP Award emails are notorious for getting stuck in spam filters, so you had better keep checking there too.
Hence, I was checking my inbox, and my spam-inbox, every 5 minutes, or every 3 minutes, or maybe it was every minute to see if I got any email. But nothing, I got some leads, some new customers, someone wanted to come worked at my Company, someone wanted to send me huge amounts of Money, who cared, no MVP letter.
The time reached 3 pm CET. They say that you can sometimes see the nerves on the outside of someones skin, well, that wasn’t the case anymore, my nerves had crept out like Trichinella worms, made a nest in a nearby tree, fallen down, been eaten by a hungry panda and then shot by a crazy Russian on killing Spree. Close enough.
At about 4 CET, I managed to rewire my brain (like T2 in Terminator) and remembered that I could check the MVP website. Which I did and my surprise was palatable, this is what I saw:
Now most of you might have noticed the really stretched image of me or the fact that I look almost bold (which I am on the front part of my head). But what I noticed was the small “2” just below the Picture where it says “Awards since 2012”. Hurray! I had been renewed! But why hadn’t I received the email? Which was answered about 5 seconds later when the email arrived.
So if you are looking for a more exciting July 1:st, I would suggest contributing to the CRM Community and sending me an email describing why I should nominate you for an MVP, then you might very well have just as exiting July 1:sts as I, with Pandas, crazy Russians and Everything!
I am also very happy that Jukka Niiranen got awarded the MVP Award as I got the honor to nominate him. It is a a great honor for me to be able to nominate someone that gets awarded the MVP Award as that is a great confirmation of my judgement which is very gratifying. Jukka has been a great contributor to the Community and very well deserves the Award. The NDA that you are required to sign as an MVP due to the fact that you get to see a lot of classified information, put us under a lot of restriction on what kind of news we are allowed to blog about. Jukka has been very good at drawing out the bleeding edge info from hazy photos from Convergence, eXtremeCRM and similar and I hope he will be able to continue this without too much hindrance from the very strict NDA.
Do read his blog about his MVP Award if you have not done so already!
Gustaf Westerlund
MVP, CEO and owner at CRM-konsulterna AB
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