Customer Insight Journeys Real Time Dynamic Forms Loader

Customer Insight Journeys Real Time Dynamic Forms Loader

In a previous post I blogged about how to break down the Form script that was exported from CI-J (Real Time). As some customers asked me about making this into a script that was the same and was dynamic based on query string parameters (parameters in the URL), I worked a bit on that and thought I’d share it here;

<div id="formdiv">

function getQueryParam(name) {
         const queryString =;
         const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString);
         const queryparam = urlParams.get(name);
         return queryparam;

        const formobj = document.querySelector('#formdiv');
        const formid = getQueryParam('id');
        const formapiurl = '' + getQueryParam("orgid") + '/landingpageforms'; 
        const formcachedurl = '' + getQueryParam("orgid") + '/digitalassets/forms/' + formid;

        formobj.setAttribute('data-form-id', formid);
        formobj.setAttribute('data-form-api-url', formapiurl);
        formobj.setAttribute('data-cached-form-url', formcachedurl);
    <script src=''></script>

A few things that can be mentioned. This script expects that there will be two query string parameters:
id – the id of the form. Click on the form and copy it from the URL after the “id=”
orgid = the orgid which you can find in the PPAC or in the export of the script as I described in the previous article. If it is placed on the url: then an example of the url would be:

Finally some organizations also have problems with loading a script from external sources. I will look at that too. Mainly there are two option. Copy-paste the entire script inline into this script or copy the script file to an “internal” or recognized store with a public URL and change the src-attribute. If you move this away from referencing Microsoft, I would recommend checking their website on a regular basis to make sure it hasn’t changed.

I hope this helps out!

Bulk Delete failing

Bulk Delete failing

I have recently been working with a customer with a large (500+ GB dataverse db) production instance and we are attempting to cut this down quite a lot. The natural way of doing this is bulk delete but it seems that if the underlying SQL isn’t up to speed, your jobs might end without actually being done.

My customer has a production instance of over 500GB which is costing them some substantial money and hence we started looking at removing some of the less necessary data. In this case it was the order products (salesorderdetail) which we have perceived that we do not need more than one year after delivery. Hence we set up an advanced find, agreed on the exact filters, saved the view and then tried to remove the records (well over 5M) using bulk delete. I restarted it several times. You can see the chronological results in the screenshot below:

As you can see, sometimes it actually deleted a few records, but most times, it didn’t. My professional analysis of this (=guess) is that this is caused by bulk delete not handling exceptions like SQL Timeout properly or that it has a limit on the number of times it will retry.

I also, in parallell tried to remove the same records with the same FetchXML using SSIS/Kingswaysoft and here I have several times gotten this error. I have had to turn down the knobs to a very low setting to get it to work, but the error message I did get was:

{“error”:{“code”:”0x80044151″,”message”:” Sql error: SQL timeout expired. CRM ErrorCode: -2147204783 Sql ErrorCode: -2146232060 Sql Number: -2″,”@Microsoft.PowerApps.CDS.ErrorDetails.ApiExceptionSourceKey”:”Plugin/Microsoft.Crm.ObjectModel.CustomBusinessEntityService”,”@Microsoft.PowerApps.CDS.ErrorDetails.ApiStepKey”:”60ccbb1b-ea3e-db11-86a7-000a3a5473e8″,”@Microsoft.PowerApps.CDS.ErrorDetails.ApiDepthKey”:”1″,”@Microsoft.PowerApps.CDS.ErrorDetails.ApiActivityIdKey”:”4edd4e59-4b1e-4d0b-8d13-79ea53ab10ff”,”@Microsoft.PowerApps.CDS.ErrorDetails.ApiPluginSolutionNameKey”:”System”,”@Microsoft.PowerApps.CDS.ErrorDetails.ApiStepSolutionNameKey”:”System”,”@Microsoft.PowerApps.CDS.ErrorDetails.ApiExceptionCategory”:”SystemFailure”,”@Microsoft.PowerApps.CDS.ErrorDetails.ApiExceptionMessageName”:”unManagedidssqltimeouterror”,”@Microsoft.PowerApps.CDS.ErrorDetails.ApiExceptionHttpStatusCode”:”503″,”@Microsoft.PowerApps.CDS.HelpLink”:””,”@Microsoft.PowerApps.CDS.InnerError.Message”:” Sql error: SQL timeout expired. CRM ErrorCode: -2147204783 Sql ErrorCode: -2146232060 Sql Number: -2″}}
) (SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics 365, v23.2.0.25101 – DtsDebugHost, v16.0.1000.6)System.Net.WebException

(Status Reason: ServiceUnavailable): The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.”.

As you can see, there is a lot of noise but it clearly, in the highlighted part, say that there is a SQL Timeout.

Hence my takeaway from this is that you need to be a bit wary of bulk delete in large instances or in general as it might indicate that it has completed successfully but in fact it stopped due to SQL Timeout (or some other platform related issue).

On a personal note, I really hope the bulk delete functionality gets a modernized revamp soon. It is really old and is becoming more and more relevant.

Utilize query from Marketing reports in data flows

Utilize query from Marketing reports in data flows

Recently I needed to get the marketing insight replicated data from the data lake where it is replicated to, to Customer Insight. However, that turned out to not be very easy as the data had some formatting issues. However, I found that the Marketing reports that Microsoft have release for Power BI can be used as inspiration for how to query the data.

I am currently working on a rather long Proof of concept of Customer Insight for a customers. One of the things they wanted to see if it worked to get into Customer Insight was EmailClicked which is part of the Marketing Insight data that Marketing stores in an internal database. This can rather easily be replicated to an external datalake, with some configuration in the admin tab in Marketing. However, when I tried to connect to that data, using the Azure Datalake gen2 adapter in Customer Insight, it consistently said that there was no data. After some digging I found that the main reason for this was that the files in the datalake did not have the propper file-ending for the datalake connector to understand them. In short, they are csv-files, but do not have the filename xyz.csv. Simple enought problem, I thought but as I am not super comfortable working with datalake data, I tried to figure out some way of easier solving this issue. First I tried using the dataflow connector to ADLS gen 2 but that got the same problem. Just so you know.

Then it struck me, data flows use PowerQuery/M which is the same thing that is used in Power BI, AND Microsoft have release some marketing reports for Power BI that utilize the data in the datalake combined with dataverse. I hence opened one of these and tried to copy the entire data query part. It turned out to be more than 20 different components. Datasources, configuration, functions and more. When pasted into the Data Flow, it simply didn’t work and as usual, I didn’t get a very good errormessage. But my hunch was that maybe the logic is too complicated with too many internal connections for the data flow. If you know the limitations here, please leave a comment. This didn’t stop me, my next step was to remove all unnecessary stuff from it, like the dataverse queries, config and such, but still, it didn’t work. So I attempted to move it all into one single M-script with a hardcoded referece to EmailClicked. When I did that, it worked! This is the final result:


    Source = AzureStorage.Blobs("<datalakename>"),
    #"ContainerContent" = Source{[Name="<containername>"]}[Data],
    #"Removed Other Columns" = Table.SelectColumns(ContainerContent,{"Content", "Name", "Date modified", "Attributes"}),
    #"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(#"Removed Other Columns", each [Name] <> "model.json"),
    #"Sorted Rows" = Table.Sort(#"Filtered Rows",{{"Date modified", Order.Descending}}),
    #"Expanded Attributes" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Sorted Rows", "Attributes", {"Size"}, {"Size"}),
    #"File Name column" = Table.DuplicateColumn(#"Expanded Attributes", "Name", "File Name"),
    #"Remove csv" = Table.ReplaceValue(#"File Name column","csv/","",Replacer.ReplaceText,{"File Name"}),
    #"Split Column by Delimiter" = Table.SplitColumn(#"Remove csv", "File Name", Splitter.SplitTextByEachDelimiter({"/"}, QuoteStyle.Csv, true), {"Interaction Name", "File Name"}),
    #"Transform" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Split Column by Delimiter",{{"Interaction Name", type text}, {"File Name", type text}, {"Size", Int64.Type}}),    
    #"Add Datestamp" = Table.DuplicateColumn(#"Transform", "Date modified", "Datestamp"),
    #"DateStampFormat" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Add Datestamp",{{"Datestamp", type date}}),
    TodayFunction = DateTime.FixedLocalNow,    
    #"Add Today" = Table.AddColumn(#"DateStampFormat", "Today", each TodayFunction()),
    #"Changed TodayType" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Add Today",{{"Today", type date}}),
    #"Add DaysFromToday" = Table.AddColumn(#"Changed TodayType", "DaysFromToday", each [Datestamp]-[Today]),
    #"Changed DaysFromToday" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Add DaysFromToday",{{"DaysFromToday", Int64.Type}}),
    Result = Table.RemoveColumns(#"Changed DaysFromToday", "Today"),
  result2 = Table.SelectRows(Result, each [DaysFromToday] >= -180),
  FilteredByInteraction = Table.SelectRows(result2, each [Interaction Name] = "EmailClicked"),
  #"AddFileContents" = Table.AddColumn(#"FilteredByInteraction", "FileContent", each
    Table.PromoteHeaders(Csv.Document([Content],[Delimiter=",", Encoding=1252, QuoteStyle=QuoteStyle.Csv]), [PromoteAllScalars=true])),
  #"ContentTable" = Table.SelectColumns(AddFileContents,{"FileContent"}),
  #"NoDataFiles" = Table.IsEmpty(#"ContentTable"),
  InteractionTable = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"ContentTable", "FileContent", Table.ColumnNames(ContentTable{0}[FileContent])),
  #"Transformed" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(InteractionTable,{{"Timestamp", type datetimezone}}, "en-US"),
  #"Duplicated Column" = Table.DuplicateColumn(#"Transformed", "Timestamp", "Datestamp"),
  #"Datestamp" = Table.TransformColumns(#"Duplicated Column",{{"Datestamp", DateTime.Date, type date}}),
  #"RenameId" = Table.RenameColumns(#"Datestamp",{{"InternalMarketingInteractionId", "Id"}}),          
  #"keyedtable" = Table.AddKey(#"RenameId", {"Id"}, true)

I have highlighted the datalake name, container and the table. I hope this helps if you are having a similar issue!

Bulk Delete Manager in XTB

Bulk Delete Manager in XTB

Have you ever tried creating bulk deletes in dataverse/Dynamics 365? It is still a very old interface and it is hard to control the exact definition of what is to be deleted as you cannot see the actual FetchXML that is being used. It is also hard to see existing recurring bulk delete jobs and what FetchXML they are using. Based on these facts, my colleague Ebba Linnea Nilsson and I decided to make our first plugin for XrmToolBox (XTB). We are now proud to announce that it is released and available for free (as usual in XTB). We have also identified a bug in the platform related to this, which I will describe below.

The bulk delete functionality in dataverse and hence in Dynamics 365 CE is an essential function for many organizations. This is especially true since GDPR was introduced and there is a strong legislative requirement to remove personal data that cannot be justified to be stored.
There are also other reasons why the bulk delete functionality is more and more important and that is based on the capacity costs that can be inferred on a Power Platform tennant. Firstly just storing data, especially in the database storage in dataverse has a non trivial cost at $40/GB. There is a lot of value per GB, so it might not be justified to say that it is too expensive but removing unnecessary data is definitely something that can be worthwhile especially for larger implementations. I personally work with a customer in the travel retail industry which has millions of customers and some tables have 40M+ records. There are also a lot of integrations and automations causing a lot of data to be created. Data that at some point needs to be removed. As all data should, or there should at least be a conscious decision not to remove it and why if so.
As you might be aware, if you have read my other articles in this blog, I have previously used SSIS and Kingswaysoft to remove massive amounts of data. However, now that the API Entitlements will be introduced (6 months after the report for API Entitlements is made Generally Available), we need to start to become more and more restrictive in using the APIs for massive data management, like deletes. Hence, we try to move as much as possible to the built in Bulk Delete.

Working with the built in bulk delete functionality is a bit sad. It is very old and you have to click through a wizard kind of experience to be able to set them up. But the most limiting factor is that you cannot see the actual FetchXML of an active recurring bulk delete and you cannot input FetchXML directly into the bulk delete.

The Options page of the Bulk Delete Wizard

Having worked with this wizard you might also have noticed something a bit off. If you create a view which shows all contacts that have no activities. Then this will work when using it in the system like a view. However, if you try to use this view in a bulk delete it will “simplify” this and remove that part of the query. My thought that this was a limitation in the UI based on the fact that it is very old and hasn’t gotten any love for many years (decades). My assumption was hence that creating a bulk delete via the API would allow me to create bulk deletes that were based on FetchXMLs that you couldn’t even input from the UI.
These were the reasons for us starting to create this plugin and it was so useful that I used it in debug mode for several weeks before finalizing it and publishing it.

Now we have released the first version and you can download it directly from XTB. I would like to give a huge thanks to Jonas Rapp who helped us out a lot with both connection to his tool FetchXML Builder but also the general setup of the plugins and the details of getting it approved as a Plugin for XTB.

If you have any suggestions, comments or otherwise, leave them on the GitHub repo or down below. We already have a bunch of stuff we want to do.
Ah, yes, and the bug we found, it seems that the outer joins that was a rather recent addon to FetchXML is not supported by the actual platform. Hence the UI and the platform match in that perspective. Just to make it clear, what happens is that you input a FetchXML saying “All contacts with no activities” or something like that, which it will simplify to “All contacts” which is not really what you want.

As it is supported to create bulk delete jobs via the API, I do think that this still can be seen as a bug as there is no clear documentation on this or even a control when creating the bulk delete job with a FetchXML that will be incorrectly parsed. My suggestion is hence to implement the new FetchXML parser in Bulk Delete functionality, at least on the platform side. With the current setup, it is very possible that bulk deletes are created that remove a lot more than what was initially intended which can be very damaging to any organization. And from a GDPR perspective, this type of query is rather common, as it might be definied that contacts with no cases can only be stored for 2 years, but with cases for 10. To remove the ones without the cases, you would make the question “Remove all contacts with no cases with created on > 2 years”. This would then cause all contacts with created on > 2 years to be removed regardless of if it has a case or not.

To inform users of this, we have added a warning, every time a new bulk delete job is to be saved. Hopefully Microsoft will fix this soon.

How to reduce SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject table in CDS/Dynamics 365 – Updated!

How to reduce SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject table in CDS/Dynamics 365 – Updated!

One of my customers is a B2C customer with a very large online database exceeding 500 GB. With a very active Marketing automation tool interated, we generate a lot of data in Dynamics 365 CE which after defined retention periods needs to be removed. This has caused some side effects, that a table called SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject has become very large. This article will describe how to set a configuration to reduce its size. UPDATED – Based on some new learning and information from Microsoft this article has now been updated!

We often monitor the Organizational Insights, and now lately the brand new capacity feature that can be found in the left hand menu in, if you have a CDS/Dynamics 365 CE instance.

An interesting table started growing rapidly and we had no clue what this was, and I had during my now 15 years of working with Dynamics 365 never seen it. It was called SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject. When I came back from my Swedish summer vaccation, it had grow to over an amazing 181M records. Time to fix this.

First thing, as usual is of course to google it (yes, it is a verb, get used to it). All I found was this somewhat informative post by my good friend Chris Cognetta who is an ace with infrastructure issues. 

However, it seemed that they just truncated the table, and we were online so that was a bit tricky, to say the least. I was at this time a bit upset that Microsoft were taking up around 50GB of space for my customer without giving me any way of managing that, or having any direct use of it. I counted to ten and called Microsoft Support.

After a few emails back and forth, the excellent support technician at Microsoft informed me that there is actually a setting in the infamous super secret setting tool with the Star Trek-sounding name OrgDBOrg (it is pronounced “Org-D-Borg” in case you ever get stuck in Dynamics trivia). The setting is called ExpireSubscriptionsInDays. I will quote the support technician in what this table is used for and if anyone has any more information, please leave a comment.

“The SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject table is the table that logs records for number of days before deleting inactive subscriptions as well as timed out deletion services.”

I am not sure for which purpose. If it is in regards to GDPR or some restore mechanism. I would like to know though. Default value for this i 90, which means that these logs will be stored for 90 days. The minimum they can be set to is 1. As I am currently not entirely sure what these logs are used for, I would not recommend you set them to 1, but I did set my customers to 5, hoping that this is not going to come back with a vengance.

We have during the day seen a dramatic drop in the amount of records in this table, with about 30M but and it is still ongoing, but hard to measure as there is a delay in the capacity measurement the Powerplatform admin portal.

Update! The size of the table fell to 160M rows but never below this so after some further discussions with Microsoft support they did some more investigation into this subject and came back with the following recommendation:

1. Reduce the value gradually from 90 to 60 and then on
2. Never go below 15

There is however, another related setting called ExpireChangeTrackingInDays which is located just next to the ExpireSubscriptionsInDays. This is defaulted to 30. We reduced this to 15. 

Based on these recommendations we tried 60 days and this resulted in a most dramatic drop to around 20M rows. – End of update


So, how do you do this? First, download the OrgDbOrgSettings tool and install it in the instance where you are having issues. Check out these links below for that:

A word of advice regarding OrgDbOrg; don’t think that you are Captain Kirk and go flying off into the Beta Quadrant and beam every single setting just because you can. It won’t make your system better, rather the opposite. Make really sure on what you are doing and don’t even trust a blog article like this, read the KB-article linked in the tool and make up your own mind. It is a powerful tool, like a jackhammer.

After you have installed the OrgDbOrgSettings tool, you can see it and open it by clicking the display name.

Then just find the “ExpireSubscriptionsInDays” – Press “Edit” and change to whatever you would like it to be. You will typically have to confirm to save it to Dynamics 365 CE/CDS

With that done you should just have to wait for the magic to be done.

As far as I have understood these two settings and this table is used to indicate how long changes and deletes are stored in this table and related tables for integrating systems to be able to read. This can, for example be Data Export Service, the old Dynamics for Outlook client etc. Hence reducing the numbers to, for instance 15 (the lowest recommended number by Microsoft) can result in some changes not being propageted to these integrated systems in the case that the integrations or just an offline client being offline for more than 15 days. And I also got the feeling that setting it to 5 was below some internal threashold and hence wasn’t really supported despite the fact that it says in OrgDBOrg that the lowest value is 1.