Creating CRM-emails in C# code

I have in a previuos post described how to programmatically download a SQL RS report, create a CRM email and attach the report as a pdf to it and send it. This is quite many steps and sometimes it will just be good enough to send mails, for instance when developing addons for workflows.

email em = new email();

activityparty fromparty = new activityparty();
fromparty.partyid = new Lookup();
fromparty.partyid.type = EntityName.systemuser.ToString(); //Change to some other entity if needed.
fromparty.partyid.Value = FROM-SYSTEMUSER-GUID;
em.from = new activityparty[] { fromparty };

activityparty toparty = new activityparty();
toparty.partyid = new Lookup();
toparty.partyid.type =; //Change to some other entity if needed

toparty.partyid.Value = TO-CONTACT-GUID; = new activityparty[] { toparty };

em.subject = SUBJECT-STRING;
em.sender = ““;

em.regardingobjectid = new Lookup();
em.regardingobjectid.type = EntityName.REGARDING ENTITY TYPE.ToString();
em.regardingobjectid.Value = REGARDING OBJECT GUID;
em.description = BODY-STRING;

em.ownerid = new Owner();
em.ownerid.type = EntityName.systemuser.ToString();
em.ownerid.Value = OWNER-SYSTEMUSER-GUID;
Guid createdEmailGuid = service.Create(em);

SendEmailRequest req = new SendEmailRequest();
req.EmailId = createdEmailGuid;
req.TrackingToken = “”;
req.IssueSend = true;

// Send the email message.
SendEmailResponse res = (SendEmailResponse)service.Execute(req);

I find this code very helpfull. It can probably be generalized by using BusinessEntity object and so forth but I am usually quite satisfied with this.

Gustaf Westerlund
CRM and SharePoint Consultant

Humandata AB

Where to place your custom aspx files

Today I held another crash-course in Extending MS CRM 3 with .NET. It is a very comressed version of the MOC (Microsoft Official Curriculum) course with the same name. The attendées were 4 very sharp CRM professionals from Cybernetics and Releye. If you are interested in attending this course please contact Informator at

We were discussing the problems with kerberos double-hopp trust delegation when using a SQL RS on a different server than the CRM server. It dawned on my however that a similar problem might acctually arise if you choose to host your custom aspx-files on a separate server from the CRM-server. I am no expert at this kerberos stuff but would find it quite possible that you might get this problem. I havn’t tested this, so treat it as a hunch. If anyone has confirmation or the opposite, please comment this posting.

In short, to avoid potential problems, make sure your website for you custom websites are hosted on the same server as CRM. (please note that it is not supported to use the same website as CRM).

Gustaf Westerlund
CRM and SharePoint Consultant

Humandata AB

Excel Services as report system for CRM

Today I held a presentation at this years SharePoint and Exchange Forum in Nynäshamn, close to Stockholm, here in Sweden. Lots of very interesting experts here like Patrick Tisseghem, Michael Noel and Nick Swan, not forgetting my boss, Göran Husman and other great speakers from Microsoft and other companies.

The presentation I held was BDM-focused and concerned the power of simple mesh-up integration between SharePoint and MS CRM 3. The main point being that SharePoint has a lot of great features that can be used by other applications.

One of the most powerful ones is excel services that can very powerfully be used as a reports tool for MS CRM. The main advantages being the ease of use for the end users and report owners since they easily can modify their own reports with Excel.

It is almost too simple to write a blog about it, since it is very straight forward, but I will see if I can get something together anyway.

By the way, I am expecting to be a father around the 1:st of june (my first child!) and I migth be a bit absent for a week or two after this event, but I will be back.

Gustaf Westerlund
CRM and SharePoint Consultant

Humandata AB

Updated CRM List WebPart

The CRM Team blog has announced that MS now have released the next version of CRM List WebPart.

I have tried it on a system with English CRM and SharePoint and it works great!

However, I tried the previous version on a Swedish version of CRM and SharePoint and that did not work as well, especially the installation. I was able to install it manually after quite a lot of work. If this version has the same problems I cannot say.

Gustaf Westerlund
CRM and SharePoint Consultant

Humandata AB

Callouts not triggering

It’s one of those days, lots of bloggin’ 🙂

Callouts are great, there are a few drawbacks but in general, they’re great. However, you might experience that they aren’t triggering as they should. Well, first thing to check is that callout.config is correct. Does it work on some other system? I have noticed that there are some problems with wich version is set in the top part.

However, there might still be problems with callouts not triggering properly, this might be due to a reinstallation of CRM which actually shuts off callouts, and doesn’t put them back on again. (shame on you installation developers!).

Have a look at the blog bellow for more info on how to put them back on again.

Gustaf Westerlund
CRM and SharePoint Consultant

Humandata AB