by gustaf | Feb 6, 2024
Working on a new environment recently I had to remove a few tables. However, after removing all normal dependencies, it complained finally about a dependency to the table: entityanalyticsconfig. Never heard about it. After some googling on Microsoft Learn I found that it is about the sync to datalake, which was funny as we hadn’t set up any sync. I think it might be the new Microsoft Fabric sync from Dataverse that might be causing this. It might be switched on by default in the case that you have change tracking switched on.
Also I couldn’t find it in advanced find (the old or new one) but with in XrmToolBox I was able to find it and also the rows that were associated with it. So, I created FetchXml for these specific rows, used the tool Bulk Delete Tool (no not Bulk Delete Manager, which I made) by Andy Popkin and simply ran the delete for these specific rows. This allowed me to remove the dependency and then remove the tables.
I hope this will help you too!
by Gustaf Westerlund | Feb 6, 2017
Uninstalling a managed solution? (ie Deleting it) Getting a bad error message saying you can´t? (Cannot Delete Component) And you don’t know how to find what the dependencies are for the solution? So did I. And perhaps you, as I, did not notice the small link in the dialog which says “Details” that takes you directly to the “Dependencies” page.
Click this to go see the dependencies for the solution, or follow the instructions below to manually generate an URL |
So, if you did miss that, or for some other reason want to know how to get to the dependency page of a solution, read on.
I found this blog article:
which described how to find the dependencies in a nice way in a CRM 2013/2015 on-prem environment where you have access to the database. But I was using Dynamics 365 (8.2) so that was no option.
The one part you cannot do in an online instance, in that article is to open the SQL database, in case you tried. So the trick was to find some other way to find the guid of the managed solution and it is of course quite simple, just right click it and select “Email a link” and your favorite email editor will open with the guid shown and you just have to know which part to cut, see the picture below:
Cut the guid between the %7b abd %7d which are the { and the } |
Then just follow the instructions from the blog above and insert the guid into the url provided:
https://YOUR CRM URL/tools/dependency/dependencyviewdialog.aspx?objectid=GUID&objecttype=7100&operationtype=dependenciesforuninstall
Replacing “YOUR CRM URL” with the url to your D365 and GUID with the guid above.
That got me to this page, which after some de-privatization looks like a document from the Swedish tax authorities:
Thanks again to InteractiveWebs for the original article.
Gustaf Westerlund
MVP, Founder and CTO at CRM-konsulterna AB
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