A customer of involontarily gotten a Dynamics 365 Employee portal installed. I had to remove it. It has 21 (!?) solutions which are interdependent. This is how I fixed it.
And then my Portal buddy Nick Doelman did some heavy lifting (he actually does!) and sent me this link. It did turn out to be a bit old though. Still useful, but the solutions described in it are not entirely accurate.
First of all, before you do anything else, start by removing the following things from the sitemap (unless you havn’t added more things pointing to Portal components)
1. The entire Portal “Area” 2. The SubArea and Group under Settings for Portal Settings.
Solution removal
So which solutions are we to uninstall? I will take it from the top, in the order I uninstalled them.
When removing KnowledgeManagement I got this error: The entity with ObjectTypeCode = 10460 was not found in the MetadataCache Tried different way, after some time, just refreshed and it was gone. Maybe this should be removed earlier. Not entirely sure which entity this was, as it was removed and I didn’t save a metadata reference before starting.
7 MicrosoftAzureStorage 8 MicrosoftBingMapsHelper 9 CustomerService 10 WebNotification 11 MicrosoftGetRecordIDWokrflowHelper 12 MicrosoftIdentity There are two dialogs that Process/Dialog – Change Password, Removed all Steps. Save & Close Reset Security Stamp – Removed all steps. Save & Close
When removing this solution I also got the same weird error: The entity with ObjectTypeCode = 10439 was not found in the MetadataCache.
What I found was that it was actually the sitemap that I hadn’t cleaned up from Portal things. This is why I recommend removing all portal related entries from all Sitemaps before starting to remove any solutions.
Most often when setting up server side sync, especially in Online environments, Dynamics 365 CE/CDS is connected to Exchange Online. This is rather straight forward. Even in less straight forward cases like On-prem to On-prem or the so called hybrid cases of on-line to on-prem where the involved parties are Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Exchange in some manner are all rather well documented and might be a bit tricky but generally there are some good instructions for how to get it working. Like for instance this. However, if your setups require more complex email management then the documentation and blogs around the Internet start getting a lot sparser. This article will detail a complex setup with Server Side Sync using Forward Mailbox to a proxy O365 exchange account and outgoing email using SMTP using the SMTP service SMTP2GO.
I recently migrated a customer with a complex setup from Email router to Server Side Sync as the Email router has been long deprecated and the indications I am getting from Microsoft are that it is hight time to start transitioning away from it to Server side Sync or to some other solution that can solve it, like for instance Riva. I will not go into the advantages of using that in this post, but generally it can be said that it has a lot more configuration options and logging options available, but at a price of course. Most of my customers try to get the Server Side Sync (SSS) to work and if this cannot be done, then other venues, like Riva or custom code are evaluated.
The background to why this complex setup was required was that my customer had their main Exchange server managed by their parent’s parent company in Germany. If you are not aware of the requirements for setting up Server Side Synchronization (SSS) from Dynamics 365 to an Exchange, it requires the use of an account using “Application Impersonation”. Asking the Exchange admins for this permission, although I have heard (I am no Exchange guru though) that is can be limited to specific users, was perceived to be practically impossible. We could, however, setup Forwarding rules with “Forward as attachment” on the public folders where the incoming emails were received.
As for outgoing email, the story was more or less the same. We could not connect to the Exchange server in Germany to send any emails. However, my customer were allowed controll over the DNS entries of the domains they worked with hence they could add SPF records to other email sending servers. When using the Email router, we had installed this on a VM hosted in Amazon Web Services and then sent email using the Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) on port 25. When we tried this with Server Side Sync, however, we noticed that we were now “outside traffic”, no longer coming from inside Amazons networks, and were hence throttled on Port 25. We tried all other possible SMTP ports for SES but nothing seemed to work with SSS.
Incoming – Forward mailbox
Ok, so how to solve it? Let’s start with the incoming email. As I have hinted the best method for this is to use the “Forward Mailbox” technique. This means that you set up a special mailbox, you actually create a new mailbox in Dynamics of the type Forward mailbox. This is then linked to a normal Exchange mailbox user account. It cannot be a public folder or something else. It has to be a user. You might be able to use a O365 Exchange Kiosk but be aware of the size limitations if you decide to keep the email on the server. Otherwise an E1 is probably recommended. This email address is never seen by any customer, so can be rather obscure, like forwardmailbox@contoso.onmicrosoft.com.
Rules are then set up on the onprem server to forward emails coming in to all relevant email addresses (be it users, public folders, groups or otherwise) as attachments to this forward mailbox. Why forward as attachment you might ask? The reason is that it keeps the entire header of the email intact which allows Dynamics to parse it and connect it correctly. Below is an figure discribing this incoming email flow with two queues. Typically you would have many more queues. My customer has 100+ queues.
Incoming email using forward mailbox proxied via O365
Setting up forwarding rules for “forward as attachment” is done in the following steps:
After this, you should have a forwarding rule which is activated and you should be able to start seeing emails landing in the forward mailbox shortly after they have arrived in the normal inbox, and with the orginal email as an attachment.
Outgoing – SMTP
Outgoing email we solved by finding an SMTP service that did support Dynamics 365. As mentioned above we first tried working with Amazon Simple Email Service but found that there was no combination of settings that would make this work. The best possible option was port 25 using TLS, but as we were “outside” traffic (as compared to when we were using the Email router and running on a AWS VM) we got throttled rather quickly and I couldn’t even get the 100+ queues through the Test & Enable until things started breaking.
It is important here, to understand that there is a difference between SMTP using TLS (more modern way of securing SMTP) and using SMTP with SSL. The former seems to be what Dynamics 365 is using though I havn’t found any really good definition saying this is so.
It turned out that my customer was using SMTP2GO for another service so we tried it out and it worked fine using port 587 using TLS. SMTP2GO, it seems, has a load of different ports and variations of security setup that can be used. According to my customers operations people, they also like it better than Amazon SES as it gives better feedback on bounces and such which is good (data which would be nice to get into Dynamics of course – good ISV opportunity there!).
To understand some of the details of how the SMTP2GO Server profile is setup, look at this picture.
One of the problems I found was that I wasn’t able to set the credentials centrally, on the server profile. It just seems this isn’t supported for SMTP, I do not know why. Hence we had to add the credential (the same) to each and every single queue. I found this was rather easily done in bulk using SSIS with Kingswaysoft or your other favorite tool for this like Scribe or CozyRoc (I havn’t tried them but I guess you could). Or you can of course write a small program. I did try to do it using workflows or bulk edit but that didn’t work. Maybe with some shoehorning you could get that to work. Maybe a Flow could work too. The fields that had to be set can be seen in the picture below:
The queue mailbox record – Note the three fields marked that you need to set as the credentials are set on the queue level. Also note that as the Incoming is “Forward Mailbox” it will not be expected to be tested in the testrun – hence Incoming Email Status :”Not Run”
Testing SMTP Server/Service When working with this, and testing out different SMTP providers it is sometimes hard to know where the problem is. Hence it is good to have a good tool to test the SMTP email server to see that it works, that your credential for it work and so on. I got a good tip from one of the operations technicians at my customer, which was the service SMTPer as seen below:
SMTPer – www.smtper.net – great tool for testing a SMTP server
What are the limitations of using a technique like this for server side synchronization?
First of all I would say it is that you will not be able to get Appointment, Contacts and Task (ACT) synchronized. Hence it is mostly useful in applications where the Dynamics/CDS is set up to work for Customer Service or in other non-personal uses. If you want ACT synchronization I would recommend trying to get a Dynamics-Exchange synchronization working somehow. Talk to some Exchange experts to see if they have some interesting views on how to solve your issue.
The second drawback of this is complexity. This solution has many moving parts and it can go wrong in many places. There are many different accounts and password that it depends on, thankfully everything will not break if just one password is invalidated, but you will see issues. It is also dependent on different technologies like Dynamics email handling, Exchange rules, SMTP services and so on. This requires rather a broad skillset or several people being involved. Especially if something breaks or just doesn’t work supergood.
Hence, this a setup that I would only recommend if you do not have the option of using Exchange. If you have the option of using Exchange, but cannot get it to work for some reason, try harder or ask for help. Using this kind of solution will limit the end users functionality of Dynamics and is hence more of a “last resort”.
For the first time ever 9 Business Solutions MVP:s will converge on Stockholm to share their knowledge! In the amazing Dynamics 365 Saturday event which will be held on the 10:th of November 2018 at the Microsoft Office in Kista, just outside Stockholm. As usual, the Dynamics 365 Saturdays are free.
As the main organizer, me, my company CRM-Konsulterna and the MVP Jonas Rapp, will also help out it is of course very satisfying to have so many talented people sign up to speak. A lot is happening, and version 9.1 was just rolled out today in EMEA if you didn’t notice. Hence there is a lot to talk about.
There will be three tracks:
Application – sessions on configuration and usage of Dynamics 365
Development – sessions on development and configuration that could be viewed as programming like Flow, LogicApps, PowerApps/CanvasApps etc.
Business/Project Management – sessions on how to best run projects, businesses, your career and other softer issues but all related to Dynamics 365.
As the host, I really hope you are able to secure a seat, we are limiting the amount to 150 and we are getting signups by the hour, so be sure to book your seat now.
The server side sync is a technology for connecting Dynamics 365 CE to an Exchange server. When connecting an Online Dynamics 365 to an onprem Exchange there are some requirement that need to be met. These can be found here: https://technet.microsoft.com/sv-se/library/mt622059.aspx
However, I just had a meeting with Microsoft and based on the version shown 2018-09-05, they have now added some new features that they haven’t had time to get into the documentation yet.
Some of the most interesting parts of the integration is that the it requires Basic Authentication for EWS (Exchange Web Service). Of the three types of authentication available Kerberos, NTLM and Basic, Basic Authentication is, as the name might hint, the least secure. Hence it is also not very well liked by many Exchange admins and may be a blocker for enabling Server Side Sync in Dynamics 365.
In the meeting I just had with Microsoft, they mentioned that they now support NTLM as well! That is great news as that will enable more organizations to enable Server Side Sync.
There is still a requirement on using a user with Application Impersonation rights which might be an issue as that can be viewed as having too high rights within the Exchange server. For this there is currently no good alternative solution. I guess making sure that the Dynamics Admins are trustworthy and knowing that the password is encrypted in Dynamics might ease some of that. But if the impersonation user is compromised, then a haxxor with the right tool or dev skills could compromise the entire Exchange server.
Microsoft also mentioned another common issue that can arise with the Outlook App when using SSS and hybrid connection to an Exchange 2013 onprem. It will show a quick alert saying “Can’t connect to Exchange” but it will be able to load the entire Dynamics parts.
This might be caused by the fact, according to Microsoft, that Exchange 2013, doesn’t automatically create a self-signed certificate that it can use for communication. Hence this has to be done.
This can be fixed by first creating a self signed certificate and then modify the authorization configuration using instruction found here . Lastly publish the certificate. It can also be a good idea to check that the certificate is still valid and hasn’t expired.
I will see if I can create a more detailed instruction on this later.
Gustaf Westerlund MVP, Founder and Principal Consultant at CRM-konsulterna AB www.crmkonsulterna.se
PowerApps or as the new name for it is, Canvas driven Apps, is a very fast low/no-code way of creating applications that can fill in the blanks where Dynamics 365 CE sometimes fit. Can for instance be when there is a mapping entity, a complex calendar functionality or even integrations with a camera or other applications directly. These things can be done, some are even supported within the new UI/UCI if you are running it through the tablet/mobile client. However, there is currently no easy way that I have found to just add a PowerApp/Canvas Drive App (I will just call it PowerApp below to make things easier) to Dynamics. But after a chat with my friend, ex MVP and now Microsoft Global Black Belt Carsten Groth (isn’t that a cool name for a team by the way?) he told me that it is possible to embed PowerApps. So I googled a bit a found that no one seemed to have blogged about this (if you have, please tell me in the comments) except for other it concerning other applications like SharePoint. I tried it out and found that it wasn’t that hard at all to embedd a PowerApp into Dynamics 365.
The first thing we have to start with is to create our PowerApp. You can get to this place by browsing to https://web.powerapps.com or clicking the waffle in Office365 and then selecting PowerApps. In my case, I used the Dynamics 365 template and pointed to the Case Entity and did more or less pressed Next-next-finnish. I did replace the field that was shown in the first screen from the Guid of the case to the field “title” as that makes a little bit more sense looking at.
So what I was looking for when creating the PowerApp was the AppId, in this case: “904e3ac1-1e26-4b4b-a384-971485f6709c“
What we then need is the embedding syntax for PowerApps which is: <iframe src=”https://web.powerapps.com/webplayer/iframeapp?source=iframe&screenColor=rgba(104,101,171,1)&appId=/providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apps/[AppId]” />
You need to replace the [AppId] with your AppId. Also, if you do not specify it, the iframe it will typically render rather small so I would recommend either setting the size of it directly with width and height attributes or using css, the latter being more kosher.
I tried setting an Iframe directly with this in Dynamics 365, but that didn’t seem to work. All I got was a spinner like this:
Spinner which never stops when tried to add PowerApp directly
Not sure why this is.
So, I circumvented it and created a very small html-page like this:
This time, when trying the TestPowerApp.html-page from my local drive, the spinner was quickly replaced by this and then by the App
Then I uploaded this file as a webresource to Dynamics.
Create a webresource with the simple html-page pointing to the PowerApp
After uploading it, in the WebResource screen, you can test the page by clicking on the URL. It should show a webpage with the PowerApp.
The PowerApp running as a webresource in Dynamicws 365
Now you can use this web resource wherever you want. Like directly in a sitemap:
Added PowerApp webresource to the Marketing Area as a Subarea called “Power App Cases”
It should be possible to send parameters to the PowerApp as well making them context aware so that we can create PowerApps that for instance show up within a case and show specific data on that case after you have selected it in Dynamics 365. However, if you look at the iframe syntax you will see that the AppId and stuff is already a parameter and I need to research this a bit more to be able to figure it out. I think that the html web resource probably has to shuffle the query string parameters from Dynamics to PowerApps. I will leave this hanging and hope that someone else in the community catches this ball! Otherwise I will try to figure it out later.
As CDS (common data service) and Modular Driven Apps are the same thing as Dynamics 365, just with less sugar on top, this technique can be used there as well.
If you find anything unclear or have any questions, please leave a comment (moderated).
Gustaf Westerlund MVP, Founder and Principal Consultant at CRM-konsulterna AB www.crmkonsulterna.se
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