Implicit selections when choosing country in CRM Online

Implicit selections when choosing country in CRM Online

My last posting was regarding some important aspects of the email address that is entered when setting up a new CRM Online organization, you can read it here. In this posting I will be discussing some of the issues regarding the country field.

When registering for a new CRM Online Organization, you are shown a form and the top most field is a drop down allowing you to select which country you want. This might seem innocent enough, but do note the small text saying that this cannot be changed later and let me describe what you are actually setting in you future CRM and you might think a bit harder about this. The Picture below shows you the form in Swedish.

Swedish form for setting up a 30 day trial for CRM Online – the Country/Region field highlighted

So what does this selection actually imply?
1. Which data center will be used (as indicated)
2. Which base language will be used
3. Which collation/sort order will be used
4. Which services can be used (as indicated)
5. Which tax regulations that are to be applied. (as indicated)

Let me describe each of these if further detail.

Data center
There are several data centers for Dynamics CRM around the World. Two in EMEA, two in North America, and two in South East Asia. If you select a country in EMEA, your organization will be hosted in one of the two data centers in EMEA. Exactly how this allocation is done is for me unclear and I do not think that Microsoft want to reveal this. What I have heard is that there is one data center in on the US east coast and one the the west coast and that there is no easy way to control which of these you will be getting, less than just setting up a couple of different trials until you happen to get one in the datacenter that you would like. I have also heard rumours that there might be some logic in Place that moves orgs from one data center to another to optimize usage. But I have not had any confirmation, denials or comments from Microsoft on this, so I do not think it is true until it is confirmed. I do know that orgs might temporarily be move between the data centers within a region for maintenance reasons or due to fail-overs. Ex. Choosing Swedish will make the org be hosted in EMEA, choosing USA will make the org be hosted in North America.

Which base language will be used, is based on the country selected. For most countries this is simple as there is one dominant main language. If Sweden is chosen, Swedish is the base language. However, there are some other countries where this is a bit more complex, for Switzerland, it will simply be English, and I have not check other countries like Belgium.

Collation/Sort order
Related to the language is also the sort order or in more technical terms, collation. This is important as in many countries with special characters, the sort order is different than in normal English (iso-latin). For instance, in Swedish we have the characters “ÅÄÖ” at the end of the alphabet, these are not just accented A and O but fully qualified characters. The problem is that in the collation iso-latin, these are sorted as A and O (with accents) so a separate collation is used called Finnish-Swedish. There are lots of different collations for many different languages. When choosing the country “Sweden” the collation “Finnish-Swedish AS-CI” is also selected (AS-IS stands for Accent Sensitive, Case Insensitive).

In some countries there are some additional services available to CRM that are not available in other countries. For instance, there are or have been some portal available for CRM Online available in North America that have not been made available in the rest of the World.

Tax and legal
Tax regulations are as many of you know, who have been around, very different between countries. Hence Microsoft need to know how billing is to be handled. There might also be other legal aspects of cloud systems. Some countries might require the cloud system supplier to inform the government of all the customers they have, hence the country selector might be very important from this aspect.

As you can see this one drop down has some quite wide implications. We have to be careful in this case. If a Swedish Company which has US-English as corporate language and hence want this as base language, but all users are based in Sweden and the sort order must be able to handle Swedish names correctly, how is this to be handled? Today, it can’t the solution would probably be to choose the Country “Great Britain”, but that would not give the right collation/sort order still. In that case, only partner hosted on on-premise solutions can currently handle this or this CRM Online organization has to be provisioned manually behind the doors by Microsoft Technicians some how. Let’s hope that Microsoft will soon add a function that will allow for advanced settings for the country selector, allowing for manual selection of each of these five parameters. Until then I hope this posting will guide you a bit and help you make and informed decision on which country to choose.

Gustaf Westerlund
MVP, CEO and owner at CRM-konsulterna AB


As some of you might have noticed, that have been with this blog for a while, I am somewhat verbose, or in other words, I am not always very concise. This one of the reasons I have not joined Twitter as I have thought it a bit unfitting for my way of communication but I guess there comes a day when all sinners must confess to their sins and just adapt. So when my MVP colleague Jamie Miley sent me a Twitter invite, I finally subimitted to the inevitable fact that I just had to learn to Twitter, verbosity or not.

So, I have done this and you can now find me on @gustafcrm or if you would like to follow me. As usual, I will keep it strictly professional and CRMy so you won’t have to read any tweets about my kids and their soccer matches.

Gustaf Westerlund
MVP, CEO and owner at CRM-konsulterna AB

Privileges for price list

Privileges for price list

Privileges regarding the price list entity has some interesting quirks to it as I found out working with it recently.

Yesterday I was working together with Christian Högman at Midpoint trying to help out a common customer of ours who it turned out had an interesting issue. Their typical users had a role that did not allow them to set a price list on an opportunity. So, just add “Read” privilege to the Price list entity, you might think, well, not so easy, as this entity does not exist in the security role matrix.

Well, after some trial and error we found that what was actually required was “Read” and “Append To” privilege Product.

So if you facing the same or similar issues, with price lists, try working with privileges on the product entity as this seems to be the entity that also controls price list.

If you havn’t read my colleague Rickards latest blog posting on some really interesting bugs we (mostly he) have found in how queues work and in some cases don’t work, at least as expected.

Gustaf Westerlund
MVP, CEO and owner at CRM-konsulterna AB

Switching on and off appointment synchronization in CRM for Outlook

Switching on and off appointment synchronization in CRM for Outlook

When using the mobile solutions, it is quite common to use a server-based CRM-Exchange synchronization software. There are several different products out there and the one I have the best experiences from is Riva Exchange integrator ( although a bit more expensive than other on the market, a very stable and high quality product.

If the Outlook addon for CRM is used at the same time, there is a substantial risk that appointments created in CRM are integrated twice to the Exchange server, once through the server based integration and once using the Outlook integration. As the server based integration is to be the main method of integration the Outlook integration needs to be modified to stop appointments from being integrated from CRM to Outlook.
Setting which entities are to be synchronized from CRM to Outlook

This is a bit problematic however, as there is no way of doing this for a group of users, but is done in the personal settings once the outlook addon has been installed. This means doing it manually is practically impossible.

The data is actually stored in CRM in the UserQuery entity. This is a rather special entity however, for instance, you need to impersonate each user to be able to edit each users UserQuery’s. This will take some extra consideration in coding. Thanks to David Jennaway for pointing out some of the details regarding this.

If you are running a CRM On-Premise, writing to the SQL database in not supported, but in certain cases, and I would generally advise against it as it can damage you CRM system, it might be ok. In this case, what is needed is to change the statecode and status code of some UserQuery:s. As this is unsupported I give no guarantees but I have used it myself, so I thought I’d share it with you if you’d like to use it.

The following SQL Update script, will deactivate all appointment synchronization in the CRM Outlook addon for all users. Run it in the context of the CRM database.
Again, USE AT OWN RISK, it is unsupported!

UPDATE [UserQueryBase]   SET [StatusCode] = 2      ,[StateCode] = 1 WHERE QueryType = 256 AND (ReturnedTypeCode = 4201 OR ReturnedTypeCode = 4214 OR ReturnedTypeCode = 4251)

The following script will reactivate them.

UPDATE [UserQueryBase]   SET [StatusCode] = null      ,[StateCode] = 0 WHERE QueryType = 256 AND (ReturnedTypeCode = 4201 OR ReturnedTypeCode = 4214 OR ReturnedTypeCode = 4251)

Another interesting fact that you might not be aware of is that if you switch off the synchronization of appointments between CRM and Outlook, the next time you run the synchronization, the CRM Outlook Addon will remove all the corresponding appointments from Outlook, and hence from Exchange (if Outlook is connected to Exchange).

Gustaf Westerlund
MVP, CEO and owner at CRM-konsulterna AB

Errors in Swedish translation

As many of you have been aware, working with the Swedish translation of Dynamics CRM, there are some annoying bugs. One of these has been around for quite some time, I think at least since CRM 3.0 and maybe as long as 1.2, a cannot remember, even though I worked with that version.

The bug I am referring to is the translation of both Subject and Regarding to “Ämne” in Activities. This looks really strange in CRM as this is one of the most common entities. An annoyance for many partners has also been that both these fields are system fields which makes their labels quite hard to change. You cannot just go into the normal field settings and change the display name. There are some workarounds out there, of which I think the best one is to use the translation file to change the display name (which I think has worked for me a couple of times any how).

The other one faced in CRM 2011 and is the translation of the two buttons “Delete” and “Remove” in a solution. These have both been named “Ta bort”. Again this is not very thoughtful and has obviously not been done by anyone who works with CRM.

In this case the effects can be rather drastic, as the difference is huge. If you plan to remove a custom entity from you solution containing 3 million rows of data, and press the wrong “Ta bort”-button, you will accidentally remove all 3 million rows of data. With CRM Online currently lacking any manual backup functionality, this means that you have lost these 3 million rows. Thankfully there is a confirm dialog, and the users working inside solutions are usually rather savvy so they know what they are doing.

Still, the fixes are simple, just fix the labels in the default translations. I hereby volunteer to Review the translation for the Swedish MUI if asked at no cost, just to make sure we can remove these kinds of errors.

I have submitted these as feedback to Microsoft Connect, if you agree with me that Microsoft should fix this, do sign up and vote for them.

This is the link for the Ämne-issue:

And this is the link for “Ta Bort”:

Gustaf Westerlund
MVP, CEO and owner at CRM-konsulterna AB